A Flight on the Concord

Journal Entry:

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009
(North Carolina)

I don’t know where to begin. It’s like I am on the Concord. I have waited my whole life to fly on this aircraft…at the speed of sound. I am nearing takeoff….and I have absolutely no idea where I’m headed. I do now that it will be very, very good….but not without its bumps, air pockets and huge drops. I want to say that I don’t know who the pilot is….but I do….and I have complete confidence in Him, and his co-pilot, me. I won’t say that I am not nervous and apprehensive.

I arrived here about thirty-six hours ago and can hardly believe the pace at which I am learning about myself. The cast of characters is unlike any I have ever been with. These are people that have been doing the work for years. Many times, when they speak, I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. This is very unusual for me. I feel like the proverbial “babe in the woods” in their presence.

I know one thing for sure. I want to go. I want to grow. I want to be in the company of these people, and many more like them. They are well read, confident, bright, growing, learning, interested, enlightened, open, well-traveled, spiritual and generous good listeners that are connected to something and everything greater. I want some of what they have. I will be able to do this work very quickly. I am ready. I have waited my whole life to feel this stimulated, awake, pushed, heard, challenged and compelled to grow and change. There is no going back now.

I am so grateful that business is drying up so rapidly for me. I am done. There is no question now. My time and at this company has come to an end. II will go home and clear the space for whatever is next. I will create a place that feels safe and warm with my books and my yoga girl. I have much reading to do. There is much to know and there will be many teachers. I am excited.

I will be giving up some things. I don’t know what they are yet. It is a little scary, but I am totally ready. I am grateful and blessed, and a little anxious. Whatever is asked of me, I will need to do if I want to be free.

Everything is good. I am safe. I am home. I am quiet now and listening. I am poised and ready to hear. I don’t want to talk anymore--only to hear. God help me to keep my mouth shut and my ears open. Thank you for the amazing teachers that have been placed into my life thus far, and thank you in advance for all those that are coming. I could not be clearer. It is time. This plane is going to take off and nobody can stop it. It is destined to fly and I am ordered to be the passenger. I have no idea who is going with me and it really doesn’t matter. I don’t have to extend the invitations as they have already gone out. Lucky me, lucky me, lucky me. Not everyone gets a ride on the Concord.


Writing My Eulogy


A Prayer for Guidance (Pt. 2)